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Corporate Profile

Banco Daycoval continually seeks to adapt to the needs of its customers. Toward this end, it makes use of a high capacity for innovation and bold operations, without, however, relinquishing a solid and robust capital structure. Thus, it has been able to support its clients over its more than half a century of existence, even during critical economic moments.

The bank has always been guided by this vocation, diversifying its operating areas, starting off with credit to companies and subsequently adding products and solutions for individuals. Over the course of its more than half-century history, it has progressively incorporated services such as brokerage and distribution of securities, foreign exchange (both for foreign trade and tourism), asset management and investment advisory as well as providing services to the Capital Markets, such as custody and portfolio management, in addition to payroll loans and various types of credit financing backed by vehicles or real estate. Recently, the operation of insurance for legal entities was acquired, further strengthening the bank's presence in the corporate segment.

Daycoval's relationship interface with its customers has changed radically over these more than 50 years. But instead of aging, it was rejuvenated —with the help of a lot of technology. It gained the friendly face of its virtual assistant, Dayane. But it also now is familiar with the contours of the clients themselves, who use facial recognition software as of the moment they open their Daycoval Digital account. It makes the whole process simpler and more secure.

In 2008, in order to promote business abroad and carry out trade finance operations, Daycoval opened a branch in the Cayman Islands. The office also functions as a vehicle for issuing bonds in the international market, incorporating the channels available for fundraising and strengthening the bank's reputation as a solid institution.

The strength of its balance sheet was acknowledged by the specialized The Banker magazine in an edition published in early 2020, which lists Banco Daycoval as the ninth largest Brazilian bank. The publication also recognized the bank as having the second best performance in the previous year among the institutions it monitors in the country. In the text regarding the highlights of the ranking, the senior director of the Fitch risk rating agency, Claudio Gallina, responsible for covering financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, stated: “Daycoval is a very stable bank, which performs above the average of its peers (…), knows its client base very well and is very strategic in the way it operates.”

Banco Daycoval's long-term credit risk in global scale is rated BB by Fitch, BB- by Standard & Poors, and Ba1 by Moody's. Hence, the three largest global rating agencies place the bank's qualification close to the Brazilian sovereign ceiling, all with a stable outlook. The specialized financial sector Brazilian agency, RISKbank, considers the Bank's credit risk “very safe,” rating it BRLP 3.